Are you looking to straighten your smile safely and effectively? Do you want a straight smile you can show off in pictures and social settings? If so, your best option may be a set of orthodontic braces.
The perks and advantages of braces are worth the time it takes for the treatment to complete. For a better understanding of the basics of orthodontic braces, listed below are some important facts about them:
– Braces can straighten teeth and potentially restore various mouth functions such as eating and speaking skills that have been affected by misaligned teeth.
– Oral health disorders such as TMD and bruxism can be assuaged with the introduction of braces.
– It is probably to suffer from spontaneous chips and fractures in your teeth if they are crooked and out of alignment. Lessen this risk with orthodontic braces.
– With braces, all the anxiety and stress that comes with crooked teeth can be rinsed away with straighter teeth.
– Crooked teeth have more crevices and are often more difficult to clean and care for than teeth that have been straightened by braces.
Our team at Schouten Orthodontics focuses on a variety of orthodontic services to suit all your needs. If you would like an oral exam from Dr. John R. Schouten, please book an appointment to come see us at our orthodontic office in Springville, Utah. We can be reached at 801.491.9372. Let us craft you the straight smile you’ve been waiting for!