Braces are commonly used to realign teeth, deal with overcrowding issues and address an under or overbite problem. Through the course of time and gradual adjustments, the braces stretch the periodontal ligaments that anchor the teeth in their sockets. Each adjustment moves your teeth one small step closer to their ideal alignment.
Your orthodontist at Schouten Orthodontics, Dr. John R. Schouten, offers a few different styles and variations in braces that you might be interested in exploring.
Traditional braces include metal brackets and wires. The brackets are cemented to the face of your teeth and they are linked by the wire on the top and bottom of your jaw. They typically involve using bands and spacers to further aid in the alignment process.
Ceramic braces are just like traditional braces; however, the majority of the hardware has been glazed with a ceramic material. Since the braces can be shaded to match your natural tooth enamel, they are not as overtly noticeable as traditional braces.
Clear, plastic braces, like Invisalign®, are often used to address minor alignment problems in your smile. The clear, plastic aligners are custom shaped to fit your teeth. Every two weeks, you will switch to a new set of aligners that are adjusted to take your teeth one step closer to their ideal alignment.
If you have alignment, overcrowding or other orthodontic issues that need to be addressed by braces in Springville, Utah, you should call Schouten Orthodontics at 801.491.9372 to explore your options.